Birthday of the Founder of SHAYANA FARM LLC

of the Founder of

Tiwari Ashok Kumar was born on March 2, 1972 in Bihar, India.

SHAYANA is the name of his eldest daughter. “Shayana Farm” was conceived back in Moscow, during his studies at the institute.

INDIAN pharmacology has always aroused his interest – homeopathic, Ayurvedic and gentle chemical drugs have always been very popular and in demand.

Today, Shayana Farm has a staff of 250 people, regional divisions in cities such as Tashkent, Andijan, Bukhara, Fergana, Kokand, Kashkadarya, Syrdarya, Surkhandarya, Samarkand, Navoi, Khorezm and
Nukus. We take part in major exhibitions in Uzbekistan and abroad, and have big plans to expand our field of activity.

“”Work without expecting immediate results…” We work very hard without expecting immediate results. Sooner or later, tomorrow or in a year, the result will definitely come. Communication with people and communication skills are very important. And the willingness to first give and then receive. This is very important in relationships with people.” — Tiwari Ashok Kumar.

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05 мая, 2024